Monday, September 28, 2009

Sugar, we're goin' down.

173.2 today, down from yesterday.

Very surprising, since I figured I'd stay the same given the Hamburger Bun Incident. I'm happy, though. I'll take it.

I wish my body would catch up to how much thinner I already feel, but it looks like it's going to torture me two tenths of a pound at a time.

I re-read Skinny Bitch last night, and remembered why I didn't like it the first time. The authors have a lot of good things to day, but they're so crass and rude that it just turns me off. It's as if they never considered that you can motivate people without calling your readers (your buyers) assholes and other names every few pages.

Also, some of the swear phrases they use are just ugly, which is odd coming from people urging you to clear up your outlook and clean out your body. Don't get me wrong, I swear as much as the next person, but its use in the book it was incongruous with what they were trying to do. Maybe they just wanted to be sensational to sell books, in which case, well done.

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