Sunday, September 27, 2009


It's Sunday night, three days into this journey. I did very well today. I began the day with a coffee au lait (non fat, unsweetened) and a banana. I had plain chicken breast and red pepper slices for lunch. I had strawberries for a snack, and later some more pepper slices.

Dinner didn't work out as well as I'd hoped. For some reason, our planning was off. My husband was supposed to grill some burgers, but that didn't happen until later, and I was hungry. While I was waiting, I ate a whole wheat hamburger bun with a little bit of Smart Balance "butter". Then I had a very small burger (size of my palm) with about a teaspoon of ketchup, about a 1/3 cup of corn, and about 10 steamed green beans.

Man, am I full.

I have no idea whether I blew it or not, but the bun felt like a mistake. If I were doing Weight Watchers, I'm pretty sure I'm still within my points allotment for the day, but my stomach feels so bloated and full right now that I'm afraid to get on the scale tomorrow.

I can't believe that I used to eat twice this much in a day, and crappy food at that.

On the bright side, I made healthy frozen waffles for my family this morning and managed not to eat one. I managed to make a cheese sandwich for my son and not eat a bite, or make one for myself. What's more is that I think I'm going to make it through this night without eating anything else, which is also new.

I'm dreading the subject of exercise, but I know I'm going to have to confront it sooner or later. Right now, eating less and eating healthier is about all the work I can manage. I think once I feel better I'll be more inclined to exercise.

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