Saturday, October 24, 2009


Still 170.4 today, and I must say I'm a little disappointed.

Yesterday I was at 169, which thrilled me, because I haven't seen that weight in one year. I didn't do anything differently yesterday in terms of eating, so it's kind of a bummer that I went *up*.

I've completely changed my eating habits, so I'm frustrated that the weight is not coming off faster. On the other hand, I'm more centered than I've been in the past year, at least.

I'm still attending phone meetings, though less often, and a weekly in-person meeting.

I have also learned that if I eat something rich in protein at every meal, I am far less hungry and prone to cravings and binges.

I'm reading a lot about perfectionism, and about how it's typically paired with a disconnect between one's mind and one's body.

I like taking care of myself. It's different and kind of fun. I just wish my body would catch up to my current frame of mind. I guess it's going to take a while to undo years of unhealthy eating.

Nothing good ever comes easily, isn't that the truth?

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